The Mating Code Is Inescapable...


There's an unconscious authority responsible for maintaining the survival of a woman's body/nervous system.


-It beats her heart.
-It digests her food.
-It maintains a certain core temperature.
-It dictates blood flow.
-It allows the function of five environmental detection faculties (see/hear/taste/feel/smell).
-It grows her hair.
-It communicates and organizes between trillions of cells.
-It designed a reproductive system for the purpose of copying other biological information.
-It provides the necessary biological resources and housing to facilitate a healthy reproduction and growth of another organism.


I could go on, but you get the idea.


Its undeniable there is an unconscious( below conscious awareness) program or system running her life as an organism and responsible for every biological function associated toward its(her) survival.


It's also undeniable the female has many other different functions run by the this biological program.


Men and women, two different anatomical structures, means two different survival patterns affiliated to the biological program.


As a man, there is another list of unconscious functions the female has that is vital to your understanding toward her.


The authority that beats her heart, also...


-Judges your ability to survive.
-Assesses your position among other men.
-Determines your place in a certain hierarchy.
-Tests your foundation as a man and how well you can maintain that base.
-Uses you as a means toward a better life.
-Uses you as a means toward a continuous heredity.
-Uses you as a source of resources and protection.
-Calculates your gene structure and the quality of its replication.
-Constantly seeks an upgrade in mate selection.
-Despises your weakness. Any of it.
-Signals her reproduction value to other men. Even when in a relationship.
-Seeks superior biology to mate with.
-Loyal to the genes preservation, not your vows or promises.
-Monitors the environment for a man demonstrating higher survival or better genes.
-Parades the environment in way that displays the body well enough to where there is outside feedback and confirmation she is healthy enough to mate with.
-Give men a green light if they display enough survival value.
-Evaluates your behavior and position among other women.
-Evaluates your ability to be manipulated or controlled.


That's enough for now. There's more.


If you don't recognize or infuse these truths in your understanding as a man, you will suffer.


It's inevitable.


They allow clarity and awareness on a level most men are afraid to even consider.


If you're serious about understanding a woman, start with these...

What You Think You Know, You Don't Know...


What you think attraction is...


Telegraph sexual interest (hitting on her).
Sexual compliments.
Generic conversation.
Establish dating frame right away.
Novel length bio for online dating.
Rushing things.
Handing your balls over to her.
Regurgitating social narratives.
Acting feminine as a man.
Acting masculine as a woman.
Playing the white knight.
Doing everything she wants.
Acting like people in the movies.


What attraction actually is...


Genetic warfare.
Chromosome evaluation.
DNA preservation.
Low mutation.
Biological signaling.
Pattern recognition.
Biological notification.
Reproductive probability.
Efficiency toward survival.
Acting masculine as a man.
Acting feminine as a woman.
Biological assessment.


I don't question why you're lost, I question why you fight so hard to protect the lies...





You Want The Truth?


Here's the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.


Your boyfriend or girlfriend will likely lose attraction for you at some point during the relationship.


Did I say likely?


I meant inevitably.




The actual breakdown is very long and elaborate with countless pieces to a puzzle that takes hours of devotion to fit everything together, revealing the entire picture.

So, I'll list a few points as to why your "one and only" is slowly losing their desire for you or it's been dead in the water for a while.


No particular order...


-You have no idea what attraction actually is and how it actually works.

-You were miseducated and lied to.

-You unconsciously regurgitate those lies which generate the same outcomes, then expect results opposite to those patterns (Stupid much?).

-You never question a system and it's mechanics that has failed over and over again (even with math proving it).

-You're lazy when it comes to understanding the opposite sex.

-You don't think attraction is biological.

-You think a certain label will create safety toward your relationship.

-You follow the herd and celebrate a false narrative.

-You trust nature and it's ability to biochemically function your survival based on precise calculations and unconscious mechanics, but when it comes to the same biological appraisal of relationships, you think you and your false concepts know better. lol

-You ignore the reality of being involved in a genetic warfare and your entire behavioral motivation is dictated by maintaining your position and survival.

-You ignore your own structure as an organism and the significance of the science behind the body's environmental assessment.

-You don't recognize social engineers/advertising use sex to keep you a puppet, only to turn around and say it's wrong because they know it's at the base of your entire survival.

-You attack and pursue manipulation toward someone who does know what they're talking about because they threaten your fake identity.

-You watch shows like 'the bachelor" because it triggers your attraction on a genetic level and then turn around and say your boyfriend can't do the same. lol

-You fail to understand nature doesn't give a fuck what you think, only how well you demonstrate an ability to preserve a specific code.

-You don't realize you're the code.

-You're strategically engineered to have multiple women in your life for survival reasons but suppress your entire reproductive mechanics for a socially accepted fairy tale.

-You follow what everyone else does in relationships.

-You think once a relationship has been officially announced, you can relax or become complacent over time.

-You don't understand a woman's' nature is to use a man for genetic exchange and utility purposes only. Which then dictates a continuous evaluation of your performance on a daily basis.

-You don't understand a man's nature is to use a woman for her reproductive and incubation abilities. Which then dictates a continuous evaluation of her beauty on a daily basis.

-You don't want to face the truth because you're weak.

-Your opinions come from the air and have zero base in the actual understanding of attraction mechanics caused by gene perpetuation.

-You're ok with being clueless.

-You stick to one model of relationship because anything outside of those precious patterns and beliefs would cripple your self esteem and realize your life has been a lie.

-You blame the opposite sex for your problems.


We both know you won't take half of this into account.


I heard Netflix is bringing Seinfeld to it's platform.


Don't worry about all this "attraction" stuff.


You've got better things to focus on...




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